Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

The flash fiction competition over at NYC Midnight to be more precise. I’ll be competing against 4,231 other writers. The rules are simple enough. Your story must be 1,000 words or under. You only get 48 hours to write it. You have to incorporate a randomly assigned genre, location, and item. There are also 4 rounds before they crown the winner.

I got given the genre of action/adventure, the location of a launchpad, and the item of an ambulance. I have it submitted now and I’m quite pleased with the finish piece. I’m quietly confident that I can score in this round. I’m in a group of 36 people who have all the same prompts as me. I have to score in the top 5 over two rounds to advance to the semi finals. I had a lot of fun writing it and I’ll probably share it one here once the judges give their scores sometime in August.

By Michael